Tuesday, September 3, 2013

hello, first grade!

Today was the first day of school for my big girl. I stayed up (way past my bedtime) the night before, making sure her backpack had her new gym shoes, getting her lunch box semi-ready (she is a very picky eater, that girl of mine), I ironed a couple of outfits (and mind you, I am severely allergic to this chore but I faced the possible outbreak, all for the name of "it's the first day of school and my child shall not have any wrinkles on her 100% cotton dress). Picked out outfits for the other two, and set the table for breakfast. Woke up at 5:30, took a shower and got myself ready, then proceeded to wake my girl up and have her shower. By the time we were all ready, it was 7:15am and already behind schedule. How?-do you ask?? is that possible?? Larson time. Folks, it simply does not matter, how early I get up, get everything ready. How, I have the best intentions...we.are.always.late. No matter what. I did manage to get a couple of shots of my FIRST GRADER, holding up the (DIY-thank you pinterest) chalkboard.

it just blows my mind how big she's getting

To say she was nervous, about her first day of school, would be an understatement. She was fah-reaking out. And it took a good talking from daddy, at bedtime, to calm her down. She woke up in good spirits, ready to tackle the day. She was doing her best to be brave and kept commenting on how excited she was but through her smiles, I could tell, that she was still nervous and a little anxious.

We all went as a family to drop her off. Placed her book bag in her very own locker- cause first graders get their own locker! And she showed daddy her desk. Then she looked at us and said,"okay, you can leave. I mean, I love you. But you can go now. I'm okay." Just like that. She was ready to face her fears and day...alone.  She gave us all hugs and kissed us goodbye, a quick I love you and that was it. We left her and she didn't look back...because I did...and it's only NOW, at this moment...that I get a little teary. Cause MAH BABY is a big first grader! And, oh! how I'm PRAYING, that she has a fabulous year, that she makes friends, that she doesn't struggle with any lessons. She's such a sweet little girl, my Elliebear. You just want everyone to love your kid, and to accept them, and to just be nice to them. Know what I mean?? Does it get any easier?? This, having your heart step outside of your body, all on it's own?

On a lighter note, since I only had the middle and the youngest, I decided to take them out for breakfast.  Pooh was over the moon to go to his favorite place- The Friendship House, otherwise known as: "da bacon pwace" cause that's what he gets- bacon and fries (or as Chris calls it- cholesterol on a plate). I don't have any pictures to share because I wanted to give him my full attention-as best I could with a toddler who loves to shriek like a banshee when she's out in public and hears the word NO.

Surprisingly, the day went by fast and before I knew it, it was time to get my girl. Who, by the way, exclaimed "I LOVE SCHOOL!!" when I greeted her on the blacktop, for pickup. She loves school. Let's hope that lasts <fingers crossed>.

messy hair. wrinkled dress, big smile, and one finger
up: proof that this first grader had a great first day 

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