Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I'm hormonal

I was at the park today, by how many families that were there, there must have been a family reunion going on. I saw my little girl wanting to play with a group of girls that were probably related. And as I watched her go up, introduce herself, and ask if she could play with them...I was holding my breath, feeling my heart in my throat, and saying a silent prayer to the powers that be that these little girls (who could crush her little spirit in seconds) would " please, please be nice to her and let her play with you". One of the girls said "sure! We're playing Secret Agent!" My little girl turns to me, with the biggest smile on her face, shouts out to her proud mama "mama! They said yes! We're playing Secret Agent!!" which, by the way, is one of her favorite pretend games. I almost cried, thinking how brave she was to ask to be included. I'm so proud of her. And I got to thinking if any other mamas ever felt, thought, or experienced the same things?

Have you ever not showered until way later than you planned? Like, say...3PM? Yikes.
Have you ever forgotten that you had a kid in a time out? Only to be reminded when they ask if their time out was finished....like ten minutes past the usual length? Oops.
Have you ever quietly unwrapped a mini Hershey bar and quickly shove it in your mouth because you don't want to share with your kids? Kinda hard to split three ways.
Have you ever felt so much pride in watching your three year old, as he yells, "Mama, watch dis!" lift his little arms in the air, palm to palm, bend his knees, and dive off the edge of the dock? Framing that memory away in my heart.
Have you ever been so excited to hear your six year old recount her flying off the raft when tubing followed by, "but that's why I wear a life jacket". Going to wrap her in bubble wrap.
Have you ever wish to fight your kids' battles when another kid picks on them. Or says they're not their friend, causing your child to cry? Somebody hold me back.
Have you ever been in a room and not answered to the first "Mama!?!" when one of your kids were searching for you? Please say I'm not the only one.
Have you ever had an experience with a mean mom? Or just wish to fit in with other mamas? I thought being a grown up was guaranteed to be easy.
Have you ever explained to your innocent little babies the danger of strangers? Mine, are never moving out.
Have you ever had one or both of your kids accuse you of having another baby in your tummy. When you already have a four month old? Maybe they can move out now? Kidding!!
Have you ever received open mouth kisses from a baby? Theeee best kind of kisses, if you ask me!
Have you ever felt like you are somebody's whole world when you look into their (4 month old) eyes? Best feeling ever!
Have you ever looked at the little lives you helped create and care for, while they slept and think how can you not believe in God, love, and be totally amazed? Every night.
Have you ever listened to your two oldest thank God for their baby sister? Today, my heart melted.
Have you ever watched your kids when they weren't looking and listened in on their conversation(s)? Every chance.
Have you ever been so hormonal and just rambled on and on in a blog and not really have a point to make? Duh.


  1. Ohhh. I. LOVE. IT. Hormonal posts are the best kind. You share that mushy stuff that means so much and that you never want to forget. (and I know if it isn't written down I do forget it!) Isn't being a mom grand?
